The Dogface Puffer, Arothron nigropunctatus, also known as the Dog Face Puffer, is a peaceful marine species that features large expressive eyes and a sad-looking small mouth. As a voracious carnivore, the Dog Face Puffer will unabashedly devour small inverts but won't damage corals. Their hard teeth can easily bite through mollusk and clam shells. It is best kept in a tank plenty of live rock hiding places. Feeding the Dogface Puffer can be difficult, especially if they feel stressed or insecure. They will take a carnivorous diet of shrimp, squid, clams, and crabs or other meaty marine foods, frozen or live. Only one puffer should be kept per tank.
The Dogface Puffer, like most puffers, have the unique ability to inflate their body to twice its normal size to protect itself from predatory ingestion. Though this is the puffers best known trait, it is advised to never induce this action with your puffer. Further, be sure to never expose the puffer to the air, ever. If the puffer ingests air, it is next to impossible to remove it. Therefore, if ever transferring tanks, be sure to use a container rather than a net to ensure that the puffer is always underwater.