The Neptune Trident Marine Aquarium Water Analyzer is an add on to the Apex system that allows you to automate testing for levels of Calcium, Alkalinity, or Magnesium in your saltwater aquarium. It can also be paired with the Neptune DOS, which is sold separately, to create an automatic testing and dosing cycle to help maintain proper and consistent levels. Testing is also made much quieter with this unit, when placed inside a cabinet it is virtually silent. And because it is integrated with your Apex unit, you can also program alerts for out of range parameters and make adjustments on the app as well as view your tank stats.
Set up and integration will take about 15 minutes, and with about a month's supply of reagents, you can get the hang of things long before you have to replace them. The ration amount of reagents included is considered a two month supply, however with the initial set up the system will require a small amount to get started which leaves a little over a one month supply, depending on how often you test your system. The max head room will need to be less than 4' from the water sample. Each time the system tests the water, it will require around 8 mL and last for about 7 minutes.
Specifications for testing precision
Alkalinity +/- .05 dKh
Calcium +/- 15 ppm
Magnesium +/- 15 ppm
1 x Trident Sytem
1 x 1Link Cable
1 x 2-Month Reagent Supply
5' Black Sample Tubing
5' Clear Waste Tubing
Requires the Netune Apex OR ApexEL with an open 1Link OR a 24V power and aquabus cable. Automatic dosing requires the add on Neptune DOS Fluid Metering Module