Commons:Wikipedians in European Parliament/Participation

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Description   Participation   Equipment   Marketing   FAQ   Lists and Evaluation   Rules   Commission   Press   Result   Foto    

Registration is closed since January 19th. All 50 registrations have been approved. If you have registered you should have received a mail by January 21st by Olaf. Please make sure you acknowledge your participation by responding to that mail. Otherwise your hotel room will not be booked. If you have any problem or not received the notification mail please contact Olaf.

In order to handle 764 MEPs in four days we need many people helping us. Our aim is to do an operational planning so we don't burn-out anyone and leave some time for breaks or having a look at the Parliament itself during this stressful week.

Skills needed:

  • 20 Photographers
  • 6 Editors
  • 6 Guides / Assistants

Language and Selection


Due to the international nature of this project it is important that volunteers are able to communicate in English. Apart from that we are eager to bring in as many different languages as possible for several reasons:

  • we want the cultural interchange and involve as many regions as possible, also as a training and exchange of ideas and knowledge among our volunteers
  • we may be able to handle the MEPs in their native language
  • to adapt and translate Wikipedia articles in as many languages as possible - many MEPs don't even have an article in their own language! (see MEP Lists for more details)

Therefore we ask for your language skills during registration and the tasks you would like to do. We will try to make a fair selection of people needed to perform all the tasks and ensure diversity in language and gender. To facilitate this selection we ask you for a short statement (in english!) why you want to participate in the project. We explicitely invite newcomers to the project and will make sure to have a fair mix of experienced and inexperienced volunteers to facilitate a transfer of skills. Please state if you are a novice or expert to allow us to balance the number of each.

Security and Private Data


In order to gain entry to the EP we need to register beforehand. Olaf Kosinsky, the project manager and contact person with the EP, will take care of this. Therefore we need to collect your personal data beforehand. We assure you that it will only be handled by Olaf and given to the EP and, if you have ask for a hotel booking, to the hotel.

The registration form does not ask for your Wikimedia username, there is no need to disclose the connection between online and offline identity.

Chapter Support / Travel Costs


Travel costs will be supported by chapters, we have sent inquiries to all chapters. Some of them already provide general participation support for volunteers. Please make sure you get approval of the coverage of your travel costs from your chapter.

If there is no chapter in your country or it doesn't provide support for this project, please come back to the organizing team.

You are a chapter representative and want to show your support? Please edit this table and add your chapter!

Chapter Travel Equipment
Amical Wikimedia 1 grant Reflex camera, exact model TBD
Wikimedia CH General reimbursement policy Sony A900 camera + Elinchrome flash unit
Wikimedia Deutschland Wikipedia:Reisestipendien Wikipedia:Technikpool/Geräteliste
Wikimedia Nederland Financiële Ondersteuning Kleine Activiteiten Canon PowerShot G12
Wikimedia Österreich Reisekostenerstattung Verleihbares Inventar + 1 scholarship for one participant of a neighbouring country with no chapter / no funds
Wikimedia UK travel support to any UK based volunteers Canon EOS 60D body
Wikimedia Sverige travel support to any Scandinavian based volunteers Teknikpool + 2 scholarship for participants from WMFI (assigned) and WMSE (assigned)