SPS For Sale

SPS are small polyp stony corals that grow small polyps on a calcareous skeleton. They can be found in a variety of unique colors, shapes and sizes, usually found as either plate like, or branching corals. All SPS corals have a hard or stony skeleton created by aragonite, and often formed into cup-shaped structures called corallites, and is covered by a thin layer of tissue called the coenosarc. The foot of the polyps then grow from the coenosarc on these … Read more

Plating Montipora: Green w/ Red Polyps - Aquacultured

Montipora sp.

Sale Plating Montipora: Green w/ Red Polyps - Aquacultured

Leptoseris : Lunar Landing - Aquacultured

Leptoseris sp.

Sale Leptoseris : Lunar Landing - Aquacultured

Wrinkle, Leptoseris : Orange - Australia

Leptoseris foliosa

Sale Wrinkle, Leptoseris : Orange - Australia

Birdsnest Yellow w/ Pink Tips : Ponape - Caribbean


Sale Birdsnest Yellow w/ Pink Tips : Ponape - Caribbean

Orange Psammocora Coral - Australia

Psammocora sp.

Sale Orange Psammocora Coral - Australia

Acropora Coral: Strawberry Shortcake - Australia

Acropora microclados

Sale Acropora Coral: Strawberry Shortcake - Australia

Acropora Coral : Rainbow Sherbert - Aquacultured

Acropora sp.

Sale Acropora Coral : Rainbow Sherbert - Aquacultured

Porites Coral: Yellow

Porites sp.

Sale Porites Coral: Yellow

Acropora Coral : Victorias Secret- Aquacultured

Acropora sp.

Sale Acropora Coral : Victorias Secret- Aquacultured

Green w/ Red Polyps Digitata Montipora "Forest Fire" - Aquacultured

Montipora digitata

Sale Green w/ Red Polyps Digitata Montipora "Forest Fire" - Aquacultured

Acropora Coral : Fireworks - Aquacultured

Acropora sp.

Sale Acropora Coral : Fireworks - Aquacultured

Acropora Coral : Maleficent - Aquacultured

Acropora sp.

Sale Acropora Coral : Maleficent - Aquacultured

Acropora Coral : Tongan Colored

Acropora Sp.

Sale Acropora Coral : Tongan Colored

Horn Coral Hydnophora: Fluorescent

Hydnophora sp.

Sale Horn Coral Hydnophora: Fluorescent

Acropora Coral: Colored - Australia

Acropora sp.

Sale Acropora Coral: Colored - Australia

Cactus Pavona Coral: Green

Pavona maldivensis

Sale Cactus Pavona Coral: Green

Cactus Pavona Coral: Orange

Pavona maldivensis

Sale Cactus Pavona Coral: Orange

Distichopora: Colored - Australia

Distichopora sp.

Sale Distichopora: Colored - Australia

Plating Montipora Coral : Green/Red w/Yellow polyps - Aquacultured

Montipora sp.

Sale Plating Montipora Coral : Green/Red w/Yellow polyps - Aquacultured

Cap Montipora: Nuclear Fusion - Aquacultured

Montipora sp.

Sale Cap Montipora: Nuclear Fusion  - Aquacultured

Encrusting Montipora: Yellow w/ Blue Polyp

Montipora sp.

Sale Encrusting Montipora: Yellow w/ Blue Polyp

Montipora: "Season's Greetings" Green w/ Red Polyps - Aquacultured

Montipora sp.

Sale Montipora: "Season's Greetings" Green w/ Red Polyps - Aquacultured

Cat's Paw Stylophora: Red/Pink - Fiji

Stylophora sp.

Sale Cat's Paw Stylophora: Red/Pink - Fiji

Cat's Paw Stylophora: Green Polyp

Stylophora sp.

Sale Cat's Paw Stylophora: Green Polyp

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