Long-Finned (Striped) Sleeper Goby

Valenciennea longipinnis

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Long-Finned (Striped) Sleeper Goby

Long-Finned (Striped) Sleeper Goby

Valenciennea longipinnis

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Long-Finned (Striped) Sleeper Goby Care Facts

Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Carnivore
Origin: Indo-Pacific Ocean
Acclimation Time: 2+ hours
Reef Safe: Yes
Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
Max Size: 7 inches

The Long-Finned Sleeper Goby, also known as the Long-Finned, Teardrop, or Striped Sleeper Goby, is a species of goby found among the Indo-Pacific Ocean, where they hide among shallow waters in burrows and rockwork. They have a pale white body with small black spots along the back and occasional red spots on their sides. They can be kept singly or in pairs. Reaching sizes of 7 inches, they do best in an aquarium of 50+ gallons. Many gobies can jump, so a lid is highly recommended. They are carnivorous and should be fed carnivorous preparations daily. 

The Long-Finned Sleeper Goby (Valenciennea longipinnis) - Elevate Your Aquarium with Tranquil Beauty

Embark on an engaging underwater experience with the Long-Finned Sleeper Goby, scientifically known as Valenciennea longipinnis, through this comprehensive product description. Explore various aspects of caring for this fascinating species, from its natural habitat to tank requirements, ensuring a unique addition to saltwater marine aquariums.

Habitat of the Long-Finned Sleeper Goby:

Commonly found in the Indo-Pacific region, specifically in areas with sandy substrates and moderate water flow, these gobies inhabit lagoons, sheltered bays, and coastal reefs. Recreating these conditions in captivity is crucial for their well-being.

Reef Safe Nature:

Known for their peaceful demeanor, Long-Finned Sleeper Gobies are considered reef-safe, posing no threat to coral or other invertebrates. This makes them suitable additions to reef aquariums.

Size and Lifespan:

With an average size ranging from 4 to 6 inches, these gobies can live up to 5-7 years with proper care in a well-maintained aquarium environment, providing enthusiasts with a captivating long-term companion.

Diet in Captivity:

Being omnivores, Long-Finned Sleeper Gobies thrive on a varied diet of live and frozen foods, including brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and quality marine pellets. This ensures they receive the essential nutrients for optimal health.

Aquaculture and Availability:

Successfully aquacultured, these gobies are more sustainable and readily available to hobbyists. This not only reduces the impact on wild populations but also contributes to the conservation of marine ecosystems.

Compatibility with Other Aquatic Life:

Known for their peaceful demeanor, Long-Finned Sleeper Gobies make suitable tank mates for various fish and invertebrates. They coexist well with other non-aggressive species, fostering a harmonious community in the aquarium.

Sexual Dimorphism:

Discerning between male and female Long-Finned Sleeper Gobies is challenging, as both sexes generally exhibit similar external characteristics. Observation of breeding behaviors may offer insights into their gender.

Juvenile to Adult Coloration Changes:

While juveniles may display more muted coloration, adults showcase vibrant hues, especially in their dorsal and anal fins. The transition from juvenile to adult coloration adds a captivating and dynamic element to their presence in the aquarium.


Long-Finned Sleeper Gobies are known for their calm and peaceful temperament. Their habit of sifting through the substrate in search of food adds a dynamic and entertaining element to the aquarium.

Tank Requirements:

Ensure the well-being of these gobies with a minimum aquarium size of 30 gallons. Mimic their natural habitat with a sandy substrate, provide hiding spots, and offer ample space for foraging. A well-established filtration system is crucial for their overall health and happiness.

Water Conditions:

  • pH: Maintain a stable pH level between 8.1 and 8.4.
  • Salinity: Keep salinity levels in the range of 1.020 to 1.025.
  • Water Temperature: Maintain a temperature between 74-78°F (23-26°C).
  • Water Flow: Provide moderate water flow to simulate their natural environment.

Other Common Names:

Aside from Long-Finned Sleeper Goby, this species may be known by other common names, including Striped Sleeper Goby or Sleeper Goby.

Five Compatible Tank Mates:

  • Firefish: Adding dynamic movement and vibrant colors.
  • Cardinalfish: Enhancing visual diversity and serene grace.
  • Dartfish: Elevating the energetic liveliness of your tank.
  • Basslets: Introducing a dash of vibrant hues and patterns.
  • Damselfish: Enriching the aquatic ensemble with their vivid presence.

Why Choose Saltwaterfish.com:

Consider Saltwaterfish.com as your reputable source for acquiring the Long-Finned Sleeper Goby. Their commitment to providing healthy and responsibly sourced marine life, along with extensive experience and customer support, makes them a reliable choice for marine aquarium enthusiasts.

In conclusion, the Long-Finned Sleeper Goby is a captivating and low-maintenance addition to saltwater marine aquariums. Its peaceful nature, striking coloration, and compatibility with various tank mates make it an excellent choice for beginner and experienced hobbyists. When obtained from a reputable source like Saltwaterfish.com, enthusiasts can be confident in the health and well-being of their new aquatic companion.

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