Invertebrates Available For Sale

Invertebrates, also known as inverts, are a diverse group of animals that simply lack a back bone.  They are found in all parts of the world and are well known for their scavenging skills as well as their filter feeding and "cleaning" abilities. While a Starfish or Sea Urchin may be easily recognized, Invertebrates include some very odd members, such as a Sea Apple or Nudibranch. Invertebrates are a necessary component as they remove debris, and absorb and filter minerals to keep a balanced environment.

Invertebrates Available For Sale

Pom Pom Crab - Indo Pacific

Lybia tessellata, Bunodeopsis sp.

Sale Pom Pom Crab - Indo Pacific

Purple Sea Slug

Hypselodoris bullocki

Sale Purple Sea Slug

Red Brittle Starfish

Ophiocoma sp.

Sale Red Brittle Starfish

Red Fiddler Crab

Uca sp.

Sale Red Fiddler Crab

Red Graciliaria Macroalgae

Gracilaria spp.

Sale Red Graciliaria Macroalgae

Red Leg Hermit Crab

Paguristes sp.

Sale Red Leg Hermit Crab

Red Leg Hermit Crab- Group of 10 - Mexico

Sale Red Leg Hermit Crab- Group of 10 - Mexico

Red Moon Snail - East Pacific

Norrisia norrisii

Sale Red Moon Snail - East Pacific

Red/Orange/Yellow Tree Sponge Mini

Axinella sp.

Sale Red/Orange/Yellow Tree Sponge Mini

Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 30+

Sale Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 30+

Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 55+

Sale Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 55+

Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 75+

Sale Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 75+

Reef Cleaner Pack - Deluxe 30+

Sale Reef Cleaner Pack - Deluxe 30+

Reef Cleaner Pack - Deluxe 55+

Sale Reef Cleaner Pack - Deluxe 55+

Reef Cleaner Pack - Deluxe 75+

Sale Reef Cleaner Pack - Deluxe 75+

Sally Lightfoot Crab

Percnon gibbesi

Sale Sally Lightfoot Crab

Sand Sifting Starfish

Astropecten polyacanthus

Sale Sand Sifting Starfish

Scarlet Hermit Crab

Paguristes cadenati

Sale Scarlet Hermit Crab

Spiny Star Astrea Snail

Astraea phoebia

Sale Spiny Star Astrea Snail

Tiger Tail Cucumber

Holothuria sp.

Sale Tiger Tail Cucumber

Top Crown Snail - East Pacific

Lithopoma undosum

Sale Top Crown Snail - East Pacific

Trapezia Crab

Trapezia sp.

Sale Trapezia Crab

Tube Anemone: Colored

Cerianthus sp.

Sale Tube Anemone: Colored

Tunicate: Colored

Sale Tunicate: Colored

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